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The Place and Rise of Women in Economic Journalism

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The Place and Rise of Women in Economic Journalism

Organized with the contributions of Istanbul Gelisim University Gender Studies Application and Research Center, the conference titled “The Place and Rise of Women in Economic Journalism” hosted Fatoş Bozkuş, Editor of Ekonomist Magazine.

The program, which was held under the supervision of Gender Studies Application and Research Center Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şükran Güzin Ilıcak Aydınalp, was attended by a large number of students. Bozkuş talked about what kind of difficulties women face in business life. She talked about sexism in the business world and how it is common for women to receive lower salaries than men, despite working in the same position and within the same job descriptions.    
She pointed out that in the media world, men take on a more dominant role than women, women remain in the second plan, and one of the most important reasons for this is childbirth. In the field of Public Relations and Publicity, she stated that women are in a more advantageous position compared to other sectors. Regarding women's difficulties in becoming managers, Bozkuş said, “I think that women have a syndrome of being managers. Whether this is caused by the business world itself or by women is a separate problematic for me. As women, we need to improve ourselves in terms of being a manager.” In addition, she emphasized that being a woman or a man is not very important for communicating and networking in the business world. In the process of women finding a job, she stated that women come to the forefront because they think more finely than men, attach importance to details, and can evaluate events depending on their circumstances.
Bozkuş talked about her observations of working environments in different countries due to her profession. She said that according to her own experiences, she has witnessed that in most countries, as in our country, professional groups are predominantly dominated by men. In her speech, Bozkuş said, “The business world is in great need of women, women should be in more senior management positions.”  She cited Borusan Holding's Communications Manager as an example. She stated that Borusan Holding's corporate social responsibility activities and pioneering efforts to strengthen the position of women in social and economic life were influenced by the fact that the holding's communication manager was a woman.
At the end of the program, Bozkuş stated that economic journalism was a fun job, that she met people from many different sectors, and that she traveled a lot through domestic and international travels. Bozkuş answered the questions of the students after the presentation. Finally, she advised students to learn English at a good level, to learn a second foreign language in addition, to go abroad after graduation to get to know different cultures and improve their foreign licenses, and to read regularly and continuously in different fields.
Fatoş Bozkuş was presented a certificate of appreciation and a plaque by the Center Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şükran Güzin Ilıcak Aydınalp on behalf of Istanbul Gelisim University Gender Studies Application and Research Center.      
